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How should I organize my computer files?

Eddie (Admin)
Post By:Eddie (Admin)
Added:2014-11-26 02:26:53



It has amazed me when customers come to me and ask me to "clean up" their computers.  When they first purchased their computer it was clean and ran nicely.  The response time was instant!  But over time, after saving, and searching, and moving files, those important files got harder to find. And when you did find them, it took forever to open them up.  Your computer just doesn't run like it used to.  And as time goes on, the worse it gets.  A few errors may appear…and then the crash.  Does this sound like something you are going through?

Saving all your photo files, music, downloads, documents, videos, no matter how large, can clog up your computer if you don't organize it correctly.  This is actually easier than you think… ONCE you know how you’re filing system works.

But don't get me wrong...this is ongoing maintenance.  But once you know how you’re filing system works, the easier it is to maintain.  So get used to it and stick to it.  It will make finding what you are looking for MUCH easier and your computer life will be that much more enjoyable.

How will managing my files make my life easier?

  • A clean organized computer will always run at its TOP capability.
  • You will be able to find that document, or that picture you need right away saving you time and headaches.
  • Having a clean computer will make things easier for when it comes to backup your files.  


1. Let visualize what your computer filing system should look like

Imagine an empty filing cabinet.  The one you probably use at work.  Or maybe it’s that cabinet that your parents use to store important papers in.  Well a computer filing cabinet is just like that... except better!



A standard filing cabinet will have 3 drawers.  With labeled file folders and documents inside each folder.  As you can see, each drawer is labeled.  Each file folder in the drawer will also be labeled.  And your documents will also be labeled.  Your computer filing system will be similar. 

Let’s say drawer number one are my personal documents.  Drawer number 2 is photos.  And drawer number 3 is my videos.  Now remember that these are computer files.  I can have a file cabinet that stretches to the ceiling!  I can add more drawers, more files, and more documents as I please! 

When it comes time to "save a file", simply choose the drawer accordingly, choose the file to save it in accordingly, (adding another folder if need be), and putting that file in there for future review.

And that's it!  Simple right?!  Music and videos are stored the same way.  All stored in an easy to find format for you later.  "My Documents" would be the name of my complete filing cabinet.

Folders you'll find in my first drawer will be:

  • Personal Financial Files
  • Files from work
  • Baseball Team Coaching Documents etc.

Folders you'll find in my second drawer will be:

  • 2007 Vacation Pictures
  • 2008 Lake Tahoe Pictures
  • 2010 Soccer Pictures

Folders you'll find in my third drawer will be:

  • Baseball coaching videos
  • Tour Du France Cycling videos
  • 2007 Vacation videos


2. Make a habit of naming files and folders in a consistent manner.

Always name your files and save them in like categories.  Naming files and folder with months and dates, 2011May23, also helps to quickly determine when the file was created.  Using abbreviations also helps.  Using "MTG" for meeting, "DOB" for date of birth, or "ACTG" for accounting is a nice way to see exactly what is contains in your file at a glance.  To change or "rename" a file name simply right click on a file name or folder and click "Rename".


3. Break down the file name to the simplest form.

Windows will allow you to have long file names.  But it would be wiser to keep it simple.  Shorter names will allow you to find what you are looking for quickly and easily.  For example, if I were keeping batting averages for my entire little league teams.  I wouldn't create a file named "Little League batting averages for the year 2012".  Instead I would break it down something like this:



4.  Try not to have so many sub-folders in a single folder. 

Let’s say that there are 100 players on your little league baseball team.  I know that I am stretching it a bit...but stay with me on this example.  At this point I would create an alphabetical filing system.  (Windows will actually alphabetize your files automatically)  Then I would simply fill out the batting averages under the last names for each player. 




5.  Avoid having multiple copies of a file by using shortcuts and short cut links.

If you need to have files in multiple locations, just create shortcuts.  Shortcuts will be represented by icons that have an arrow in the lower-left corner.  Your desktop will have many icons with these arrows.  You wouldn't want to store your files on your desktop.  Just use the “shortcut icons” that will navigate you to your file quickly.


To create a shortcut, right click on your file name and then look for the "create a shortcut" icon.  You will then be able to click and drag this icon to other locations.  A new feature that comes with Microsoft Office 2010 is the backstage view.

To create a shortcut, right click on your file name and then look for the "create a shortcut" icon.  You will then be able to click and drag this icon to other locations.  A new feature that comes with Microsoft Office 2010 is the backstage view.

To see the backstage view, open a Office file and then click the File tab.  In Backstage view, click the recent tab for a list of recently viewed documents.  In the Backstage view, you will be able to save, create, and save documents, inspect documents for hidden metadata or personal information, set options, and more.


6. Don't save unnecessary files forever.

Another great tip is that once you finished using your files and you don't need them anymore, delete them.  Quickly deleting unwanted emails for example will prevent your computer from getting clogged up.

The other day I had to send my car insurance company a few pictures of some damage that was done to my car.  Now these aren't pictures that I want to save forever.  But I needed them just long enough to load them up onto the insurance companies website.  I took my pictures with my phone. Saved them onto my desktop.  Uploaded them to the company website, then I went back to my desktop and deleted the photos.

Here's a good tip:  I like to temporarily save files/pictures/videos etc. onto my desktop.  This way when I turn on my computer, I see them right away and delete them, or file them, or do whatever I need to do with them.  I know that anything I save to the desktop will be temporary.  This way the files don't get lost in my backstage file system.

Edited By::Administrator::2014-11-25 19:27:47

Max Keylogger - #1 Keystroke Logger & Computer Monitoring Software


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