Intelligent Application Delivery for Large Scale WorkloadsLoadMaster MT enables the delivery of multiple LoadMaster instances on a single platform as Virtual Network Functions (VNF) giving total flexibility on the assignment of load balancing resources across workloads, business units and customers. Offered on a range of appliances, the underlying hardware resources are allocated to each VNF instance with the capability to overprovision resources and dynamically provision and de-provision instances as required.Cost EffectiveLoadMaster MT provides an extremely flexible and cost-effective platform for application delivery by allowing the underlying hardware resources to be carved up among multiple workloads. This flexibility is delivered with features such as: Overprovisioning of resources No incremental licensing charges to deploy additional VNF instances Provision and de-provision instances independently Isolation of instances with VLANs LoadMaster MT supports instances running any LoadMaster 7.1-34 or later firmware and includes geographic server load balancing (GSLB) by default.MT for Service ProvidersService providers can use LoadMaster MT to cost-effectively deliver load balancing as a service to clients of all sizes with provisioning via API and management via KEMP360.MT for EnterpriseWith LoadMaster MT, enterprises can support multiple isolated test and production ADC environments on a single platform.