Scale-Out NAS ApplianceThe distributed file system enables scalability to several petabytes. Distributed data overlay, aggregate and pooling storage blocks over TCP/IP, and data management in a single global namespace provide flexibility and ease of management while meeting expanding storage demand.Scale Your Business NeedThe Scale-Out NAS Storage Appliance allows you to expand Storage (Volume) across multiple nodes without using metadata, and manage in a single namespace. Usable bandwidth increase as more nodes are added. Scale-Out your storage needs as your business demand increases without losing performance.Enterprise Class StorageBuilt with Enterprise in mind, including advanced features and data protection capability, the Scale-Out NAS Storage Appliance is resilient with redundancy; it scales effortlessly for storage and performance to fulfill requirements of any enterprise application. It is a perfect storage platform for IT, backup, and running multiple mixed workloads.Storage ConsolidationCost and time needed to maintain the network of storage becomes overwhelming as Enterprise storage requirements increase. A consolidated storage infrastructure allows painless scalability, high availability and enhanced storage utilization.Storage SimplifiedSingle Namespace Distributed File System does not require users to be cognizant of the data location. Coupled with storage virtualization, this makes a seamless extension to applications. Graphical management software with Advanced Report management, Dynamic Volume management, Performance and Utilization Reporting simplifies storage management for its optimal potential.