Tracking these assets is often accomplished using ExcelÃÂî spreadsheets and Visio diagrams, or by eveloping a home-grown system, which can be very labor intensive. However, if you miss a few moves, adds or changes, it can become a challenge to know what you have and where itÃÂÃÂs located. And while RFID tags have also been used to track assets, RFID readers are unreliable if they are closely packed in a metallic environment such as a rack. They can be expensive, too, especially when tagging hundreds of devices.Raritan's dcTrack (DCIM) software is designed to track assets, determine capacity in a number of areas and manage changes. Combined with RaritanÃÂÃÂs unique Asset Management Tags (AMT) and Asset Management Sensors (AMS), which provide robust readings since they do not rely on radio quencies but on hardwired connections, dcTrack allows data center operators to have an accurate, automated, real-timeinventory of all IT assets and their location, down to the 1U level.